
Get in touch

Meet the amazing team behind Shalshelet Shivyoni who make everything we do possible.

Judah Guggenheim

Judah Guggenheim

Judah is a junior at Princeton majoring in computer science but constantly wondering if he’s more of a humanities or a stem person. On campus, Judah is involved in Partnership and Egal Minyanim, and he serves on the Center for Jewish Life Student Board. In his free time he enjoys starting minyanim, hiking, and drinking Diet Coke.

Ruthie Yudelson

Ruthie Yudelson

Ruthie Yudelson is an environmental sociology major at NYU because her shepherding-times really influenced her. She loves trees, poetry, and strangers, and often finds herself in Jewish leadership positions— Ruthie is currently VP of the Downtown Orthodox community and Education Chair of NYU’s Trad-Egal community. She’s an SAR grad and spent two years at Yeshivat Drisha in Kfar Etzion, which will hopefully be soon followed by many more.

Yaakov Segal

Yaakov Segal

Yaakov is a senior at University of Wisconsin-Madison studying poli sci and Jewish studies because he thought it’d sort of be like yeshiva (it wasn’t). In his free time he enjoys being in nature, reading Harry Potter, and playing guitar badly.

Cara Lopatin

Cara Lopatin

Cara Lopatin is a freshman at the University of Michigan whose major is undecided and to be determined at as late a date as possible. She spent two gap years studying in Israel, the first year in Jerusalem at Midreshet Amudim and the second year in Kfar Etzion at Yeshivat Drisha. Cara loves to spend time with her family and friends, go on hikes (but sleep inside in a warm and dry place), do puzzles, eat yummy foods, and have religious, philosophical, and existential crises.

Want to get involved in Shalshelet Shivyoni?

Reach out to any of our leaders or email if you have any questions!

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