
What we do

WhatsApp Group ChatWhatsApp Group Chat

Join our open communication platform where individuals from various colleges can engage in dialogue, exchange ideas, and share topics of interest aligned with Shalshelet's values.

Weekly NewsletterWeekly Newsletter

Stay informed and inspired with our weekly newsletter featuring a student-written Dvar Torah, a campus spotlight highlighting inclusive halachic activities on specific campuses, and relevant community news.

Student-led Chaburot

Student-led Chaburot

Dive into meaningful discussions and exploration of various topics related to Shalshelet's values through our student-led study groups, providing a space for in-depth learning and connection.

Campus Organization

Campus Organization

Receive support in developing resources and infrastructure aligned with Shalshelet's values on your campus or among a group of campuses. Whether it's promoting egalitarian prayer or establishing LGBTQJ affinity groups, we're here to assist you.

Tutoring Network

Tutoring Network

Improve your skills in reading Torah and leading Tefillah with our in-person tutoring network. Connect with experienced individuals who can help you enhance your abilities and confidence.



Experience the power of inclusive prayer, Torah study, social activities, and community building by joining our smaller-scale Shabbaton-style gatherings. These events bring together geographically close colleges for a meaningful and inspiring Shabbat experience.

Don't miss out.

Subscribe to our email newsletter to stay on top of all things Shalshelet Shivyoni.

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